“Immigrants at Central Station 1951” Physical journeys

Image in words of immigrants waiting to take a train to an unfamiliar destination. A stage in their ongoing journey from their homeland. Carry their worldly possessions in their luggage. Also a humanist image of a time in post war history.

Structural features of texts



5 Verses



Verse 1 – description of time and the atmosphere

Verse 2 – descriptive of the migrants waiting; time waits with them

Verse 3 – description of family groups

Verse 4 – Impact of the whistle, referred to at the beginning

Verse 5 –


Begins with the train’s whistle



Poem captures a brief moment in time, from the whistle announcing it’s arrival to the prospect of leaving with it.


Ends with the train moving off.




Language features of texts












Sad – repeated

Dampness and thoughts

Cattle simile



Simile: cattle



Suggests numbers; muteness and a herd like movement of numbers



Simile: guillotine


Suggests: finality; being cut off; a kind of death; loss of the known


Personification: time


Suggests time or the future lies in the journey they will take; their destination

Personification: the whistle

The whistle is in charge of their movements and, by implication, their futures

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