Belonging and related material

Q: I have a fair few questions to ask and it would be appreciated if you could help me out!
“Entering a broader world often needs courage and determination” Do you agree? In your response refer closely to your prescribed text and two related texts (one of these must be your own and the other what your teacher gives) That is the question which I received for an upcoming in-class essay and although we only have to do one own related text i want to have two prepared for the trials/HSC.
I want to do a poem as one of the related texts but cant seem to find anything; so far I’ve only found “Road not taken” by robert frost and although it seems suitable for into the world- not so much about the specific question regarding ‘courage and determination’, would you be able to suggest any poems?
I was also thinking of doing the movie “Nell” as my other related text- any thoughts?

A: I haven’t seen ‘Nell’ but from what I can gather, it should be OK. Poems: Robert Frost, ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’; Gwen Harwood, ‘Prizegiving’; Judith Wright, “Eve to her Daughters’. They’re are about taking charge in some fashion but may not be as direct as you might want. With a bit more time I may find better. Your school librarian should be able to track the poems down.

2 thoughts on “Belonging and related material

  1. I know this post is about belonging, but i am in year 11 and we are doing journeys. In class we read ‘Catcher in the Rye’ and my related text is ‘Maos Last Dancer (the movie)’ I was wondering whether you could help me find some similarities between these too in relation to journeys?

    • Belonging and journeys have a lot in common. To understand that you belong (or don’t belong) you take a journey: through experiences and people, that helps you to understand where and how you fit. Your texts will show you that.

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