Advanced Module B: Kenneth Slessor

Q: I am doing Kenneth Slessor for Module B. In class, we have been studying ‘Five Bells’ and ‘Beach Burial’. I’m not sure on how to begin composing my essay. Should I look for common themes between the two poems? Should I add context? Are critiques required for this module? Any help would be appreciated.

A: It’s my belief you can’t answer a question until you have it and that focussing on two poems is very limiting because the question may be such that your two poems aren’t the best from the ones you’ve studied to answer the question. Particularly at Advanced level. That said, Death is a common element in both but contrasting in its contexts. This module requires that you have the context for the poems so that you can appreciate that they can be ‘read’ in different ways depending on the context in which they are read eg today. Reading a poem from different contexts is a form of critiquing. You will bring a different reading to the poem to me who had a father who fought in World War 2. If you have a migrant background, say Lebanon or Afghanistan, then you will appreciate the idea of ‘Beach Burial’ if not the literal context. Don’t forget Slessor’s use of techniques to make his meaning.

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