Inner journeys: choosing related material

Q: I’m doing inner journeys and my prescribed text is the Empire of the Sun, just wondering if you could suggest any texts that could be a suitable related material?

A: Empire of the Sun is essentially a survival story focusing on a boy during the Second World War. It doesn’t have to be a direct link but the issues of hardship and survival can be your linking thread – the inner strength people find in challenging circumstances such as war as well as the friendships. The following three have war themes.

If you are into anime, there’s “Grave of the Fireflies”. Brother and sister in the period after Hiroshima. Probably a good text for similarities and differences. The Japanese perspective makes it an interesting choice as well.

Q: Andrew Denton interviews are great to analyse but I am having trouble finding other texts that I could draw more links to my prescribed text.

I was thinking of doing a poem and a picture book. For a film, i’m considering About Schmidt- directed by Alexander Payne or Schindler’s List directed by Spilberg, do you think they are appropriate supplementary texts?  I was thinking of doing a poem and a picture book. For a film, i’m considering About Schmidt- directed by Alexander Payne or Schindler’s List directed by Spilberg, do you think they are appropriate supplementary texts?

A:  About Schmidt is about a search for self. A rumpled Jack Nicholson. I don’t remember Schindler’s List being so strong, unless you’re looking at the persecution question and solutions to it. I like Nowhere In Africa, a film that has three people find different solutions to the problems of the WW2 and being forced to leave Germany: mother, father and daughter. It is German with subtitles. And there is Motorcycles Diaries about the revolutionary, Che Guevara, before he became a revolutionary and the events that changed his life.
A picture book? Mao’s Last Dancer has just come out as a picture book for children:Chinese boy escapes Mao’s China to fulfill his ambitions as a dancer. True story. Lives in Melbourne. In his 40s. The autobiography was on the bestseller lists for 12 months. It would be suitable. I think it’s called the Peasant Prince. There’s Shaun Tan’s The Red Leaf in which a girl searches for a solution to her sadness. It’s a beautiful book. Aussie too.

36 thoughts on “Inner journeys: choosing related material

  1. I’m doing inner journey, i need a related material for english.
    My prescribed text is Life is beautiful. Can you suggest a good text for me?

  2. hi i’m doing inner journeys and i need a supplementary text.
    i all reading have a book that we had to read in english called fahrenheit 451. i also have a text from the stimulus book used in the HSC.
    but i need one more and have no idea what to use or where to find it.
    can you please help

    • I love that book. supplementary material? This link will give you heaps of suggestions: But for a quick selection, try:
      Khaled Hossein, The Kite Runner

      Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevra, The Motorcycle Diaries
      Diaries by the revolutionary ‘Che’ Guevara about a journey through South America before he became world famous. I tcharts the changes in his thinking from middle class medical student to political activist.

      Li Cunxin, Mao’s Last Dancer
      A bestselling autobiography about the decision to leave revolutionary China and settle in Australia to pursue a career in classical ballet. Also a children’s book, and a soon to be released film. There’s an abridged version.

      The Pianist, dir. Roman Polanski This movie has a war context for an artist/performer.

  3. Hi Tijana
    The Bradbury novel sounds fine to me because the principal character goes on an inner journey in that he becomes committed to the value of knowledge and learning. You need to look at the experiences and lifestyle he rejects in favour of this and why. The imaginative journey is the process of making the point about the value of learning and knowledge by creating a futuristic world in which basic freedoms are lost. The book burnings are not unlike those that occurred in Hitler’s Germany. And those people learning the books by heart are like any underground movement arising from any absolute or totalitarian government.
    I wouldn’t use anything from the stimulus booklet because its not showing your ability to search for something. (Asking me doesn’t count – that’s initiative taking the plunge to send the email.) So many students will be tempted to do the same thing which doesn’t show your individuality. I like ‘Motorcycle Diaries’ – either the book or the film. The man who became the revolutionary was a medical student who went on a bike trip around Sth America and what he saw changed his life and his politics. Its not a hard book to read and it is easy to watch. The school library could do an inter-library loan to get you the book.
    Anything that has a person changing because of events. I’m giving you a link to the website because I’ve got heaps of suggestions on that:
    It might help if I knew your prescribed text. Next time.

  4. My prescribed text is Cosi, and I’m finding it difficult to find other related text’s that suit the play. I’ve got an excerpt from J.R.R Tolkien’s LOTR, but I’m not sure whether or not that’s high order enough. I need two texts preferably poetry or short story/cartoon.

  5. I have been looking around for inner journey related material’s and i couldn’t find them..Im working on imagined corners atm..I need 2 relateed materials…do you know any?

  6. I am studying inner journeys and need a related text. I have to have three texts all together. My core text is Schindler’s List, and my second choice is Journey to the Interior which is a poem. I only need one more though i can’t think of anything. I was hoping i could find a text which the inner journey is obvious and will get me good marks 🙂

    Please help me!

  7. hi i need help in finding a related text for robert frost’s poems? the ones im using are late ferry, journey: the north coast and flame and dangling wire.
    if you could suggest any really good related texts that relate to the poems, that would be great thanks!!!

  8. Hi, i need a visual and written text for journey. Only poems, picture books, short stories, or book covers. I can’t analyse films in time. Do you have any texts related to obstacles? or anything related to The Adventures of HuckleBerry Finn? (if you do )

    • You could try Shaun Tan’s The Rabbits to The Lost Thing. There is also The Arrival, also by Shaun Tan. There is also Armin Greder’s The Island. These area true books.
      David Moore, an Australian photographer has done an iconic photograph of migrants arriving by boat post WW2.
      The film Little Miss Sunshine is also good: a road trip in which a family learns a lot about each other and themselves.
      Hope that helps,

  9. im in year 11 and we are doing journeys, i have one film which is a beautiful mind and i need a text which relates to it through mental illness ? any ideas ?

    • Hi Jess,
      Try Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar. It autobiography.
      I would also suggest J D Salinger’s Catcher In The Rye which isn’t mental illness as such but is about a very troubled young man. The film Shine, deals with mental issues and a bullying father. Also the Australian film, Swimming upstream.
      Hope that helps,

  10. hello. I’m in year 11 and we need to find 3 related text of journey, and our set text is Othello.. I’m thinking to do a poem, a movie, and a picture book. Do you have any relevant text for me to look at ? I’ve been browsing through the website you give, but i couldn’t find any good ones that i could relate to Othello closely. Please help, thanks in advance.

    • You only need to make connections rather than have matches. You don’t indicate what module you are doing which would help me pitch texts for you.
      The film ‘Notes on a Scandal’ deals with similar emotions – jealousy – as Othello so that may help. If you are thinking power then ‘Ides of March’ may suit.
      I realise this response is late (online servicing required), but if you still want ideas get back to me.

  11. Hi!, i’m thinking about doing enter without so much as knocking, Road not taken as my prescribed texts and the film ‘Meet the Robinsons’ as my related text.Do you think this is a good idea? because the texts I’m doing surrounds the idea of making choices,mistakes and how it affects us in the future.

    • I don’t know ‘Meet the Robinsons’ but if you have links in the concept of journeys that allows you to talk about personal growth and issues of self esteem then you are on the right track. You won’t find the same techniques because each writer is distinctive. Make your points for each text and then support your ideas by talking about the techniques that help to make the ideas strong or effective in their expression. Get back to me if I can help further,

  12. Hi, what related texts would you recommend for Immigrants at Central Station 1951, and Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Elliot? I could do Crossing the Red Sea instead of Prufrock but I got better feedback on my Prufrock paragraphs. What would you recommend? Also, the related texts cannot be poetry. Thank you!!

    • There are quite a few texts you can use to support Skrzynecki. (Hope I spelt that right!) the migrant themes suggest texts like
      Shaun Tan, The Arrival, a picture book that is probably overused
      Armin Greder, an allegorical picture book
      Short stories from annual collections eg The Best Australian Short Stories 2012.
      Films such as The Descendants, A Separation,
      Television such as an episode of Redfern Now. ( I wouldn’t normally recommend TV.)
      This link will take you the Belonging page. Scroll down to text suggestions. Get back to me if you still have a problem,

  13. Hi Judy, I have a similar situation to Amanda above, except I cannot do picture books nor poetry. I was wondering if there were any particular short stories that relate to immigration and obstacles in a journey, that you may know of? Thanks!

  14. Hi, I am looking for a related text for journeys which cannot be poetry and has ideas related to individuality or attempt to become an individual/breaking free of conformity. Do you know of any?
    Thank you!

    • There’s a movie ‘An Education’ based on a journalist’s life experience as a rebellious late teen. Also ‘Nowhere Boy’ about John Lennon before he made it. The classic is ‘Mao’s Last Dancer’ by Lu Cunxin. It’s an autobiography which has been made into an abridged version for teens and a picture book. It’s also a movie. He lives and works in Australia.
      If these don’t suit let me know what form you want and I can move with that. There’s also the website below.

  15. hi im in year 11 and were doing the area study journeys. we have to choose a 2 realted texts. One print text and one visual text. For my visual text Ihave chosen to do Brother Bear and im having difficulties finding a printed text. please help asap, thank you!

      • I don’t think the film you’ve chosen will do it for you. Away is about family, personal journeys and issues of self esteem.
        There’s a film Genova that would work well, dealing a family dealing with the death of the mother. There’s also The Boys Are Back. They deal with families in a more serious way than Brother Bear.
        Other texts are: The Descendants, The Tree, and Boy – all films.

    • Also think of:
      My Place by Nadia Wheatley, a picture book
      The Happiest Refugee, Ahn Do, autobiography
      Mao’s Last Dancer, Li Cunxin, auto biography
      The Arrival, Shaun Tan, a picture book
      The Red Tree, Shaun Tan, also a picture book

      Get back to me if I can help again,

  16. hello i’m in year 11 and we’re currently studying Inner Journeys in English Adv. I really need help trying to find a related text for the novel The Outsider (also known as The Stranger) by Albert Camu. It can be a movie, a picture book etc. The main protagonist in the novel is mainly an observant, he’s emotionless and detaches himself from the world around him, only after he commits a murder and begins to have a whole new perspective of life. please help! THANKS.

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