Choosing Area of Study related material

They should be readily accessible. They aren’t too long when you have lots of other things to read. They will also offer you the chance to make a more thoughtful and individual response to an Area of Studies question.

Avoid choosing the same text types, especially two films.

When you think about choosing a text as related material, consider:

  • the nature of the journey

  • the challenges the journey throws up

  • the rewards of undertaking the journey

  • the changes in the person(s) who undertake the journey

  • the relationship to your Prescribed Text, and

  • the relationship to the Stimulus Booklet texts.

You need to make notes under the following headings:

· Structures of texts

· Language forms and features

· Meaning created by the composer and how it has been made (or shaped) by choices about:

Structures of texts

Language forms and features

· An understanding of your response to each text because of

Meaning created by the composer and how it has been made (or shaped) by choices about:

Structures of texts

Language forms and features

· The connections between the texts studied. In relation to meaning and how meaning has been made.

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